( click on the stars to continue . . . )


Name: Katsuo
Last Name: Kira
(formerly Ishida)

Residence: Morioh

Age: 16 - 21
(storyline dependent)

Gender: Trans demimale

Sexuality: Pansexual
(male lean)

Eye color: Right red and left blue
(both formerly violet)

Height: 158 cm / 5'2 ft

Weight: 63 kg


Ishida Katsuo was born into a rich family, however, his entire life was spent in loneliness as his single mother never had time for him. There were few occassions in which they had dinner together, and even so, she was very abusive with him, yelling, belittling him, or just plain ignoring him most of the time. Those who treated him better were their servants...And even then, they were often busy with other tasks, and had no time for young Katsuo.
It didn't help the young Kira had never identified with the gender he was assigned it at birth, which his mother did not accept.

At age 12, being under no proper supervision, or having anyone to talk to, Katsuo often escaped home during the night, using his mother's money for drugs, and alcohol, and often messing with the wrong people.

After some time, and getting in many trouble in the streets, young Katsuo ended up joining a criminal gang, which back then was pretty small. They, despite their bad actions towards other people, helped Katsuo out of his addiction, and ended up becoming close friends, rather than just gang partners.

The gang's boss, a young looking latin man, was a stand user, and after letting Katsuo in, noticed he was one too just as himself. Thanks to him, he could practice and exploit the uses of his small Stand, and with this, they'd start looking for more users to join them.


Stand Discovery

For as long as he remembers, Katsuo could see a...ghost cat - his Stand - that tormented him from time to time; although generally, it just acted like a normal cat who followed him around. At age 10, he finally told his mother about it, who didn't doubt to send him off to multiple psychiatrists and psychologists, who, not knowing about Stands and unable to see his, diagnosed him with schizophrenia, between other mental illnesses, of which only depression was accurately diagnosed. And
consequently, was assigned some rather aggresive treatments along with medicines that only damaged him further.
His last electric shock treatment ended up damaging his brain further, and from the trauma, his mind split-- his eyes, which were violet, changed to unmatching colors, and a new, stronger shape of his stand manifested in middle of the room, expanding itself all over his surroundings, and absorbing anything and anyone inside, consuming everything but its user, who laid unconscious on the floor.

After this, Katsuo would have recurring psychotic episodes, and would refuse to go to a psychologist again.


Connection to the killer

Katsuo had spent most of his life interested in finding out who his true father was - his mother always swore he had died under mysterious circumstances, and changed the conversation every time he'd ask.
Following his mother's death, who...'mysteriously' disappeared after getting stabbed 27 times in the chest, Katsuo would move into Morioh to investigate further.
The information he gathered - thanks to his friends back in the city, and some other people in Morioh - he could quickly find a connection to Yoshikage Kira, a serial killer who lived in the town a few years back, and was presumed dead.

Proud of his lineage, Katsuo took the last name Kira, expanding his criminal gang into Morioh, and using his stand to get rid of whoever got in his way, what he didn't know, is there were more stand users he didn't know of in this town that would try to stop him...


Likes and preferences:
An obsession with gold, smokes often, drinks at least 4 times a week. Likes cats, riding his motorbike around town committing crimes for the thrill.

Loud noises (hence why he doesn't use guns, he prefers using his stand, a barbed wire bat, or a blade), noisey people, annoying people, or anyone who's only after money.

He's usually the relaxed, careless type, explosive at times, can be cold and calculating if the situation really needs it. An adrenaline junkie who does bad things simply for the thrill of the chase.
He tends to joke around a lot even when he's in danger, although if someone messes with anyone from his gang or someone he cares about, he's willing to cut hands or even end lives.


Mental Illnesses:
(CW for suicide, self harm, drugs, alcohol mention)
• Chronic Depression. Despite managing to mask the symptoms after years, there's many occassions he just collapses. This would drive him to panic attacks, manic episodes, drinking, drugs consumption, self harm, or suicide attempts.
• Dissociative Identity Disorder. His dominating personality is his 'usual' self, Katsuo. However, his second personality is much more aggressive and violent. It goes by just 'Kira', and is often associated with his psychotic episodes. The presence of such is often sign of his switch of personality, which happens within minutes; however, its presence can last for minutes, hours, or even days, not having an approximated time of duration.

(Please take into account that I only recently discovered an improper representation of the latter might be harmful, I didnt write it with the intent of doing so! Hence why I don't mention it openly or do anything further with it out on the TL. Sorry if it made anyone uncomfortable before.)


Katsuo's stand has two phases with the same consciousness, however, he can't control which comes out. Just as he can't control the stand himself. It's a more independent stand who comes out and disappears at its own will.
Both Lucid Dreams and Oblivion ARE THE SAME STAND, however, with different shapes or 'phases'.

(Sub)Stand: 「Lucid Dreams」
Its body is mainly made of cosmic matter, wich can absorb about anything non organic (including attacks) and transports them to a different dimension which only the stand and user have access to. Its body can expand, and cover its user entirely to protect him. Katsuo can retrieve any object from said dimension at any time.
「Lucid Dreams」 can only absorb objects if its at least at 5 m of its user.
Looking into the void of its body can cause hallucinations that last for a few minutes, or for hours, depending on how close or far 「Lucid Dreams」 is of its user. This can only happen if the stand is on it's regular size.
It can get away from its user for up to 25 m. The closest to its user, the more it can absorb, but the farther from its user, the strongest the hallucinations can be.

Stand: 「Oblivion」
Rather than protecting, 「Oblivion」's objective is to get rid of the enemy. Its cosmic matter has pretty much the same effect as 「Lucid Dreams」's, except if it as much as directly touches anything for at least an entire second, it sucks it into the darkness, including animals, people, and even stands. This can only be done within 2 m of its user.
「Oblivion」's body can't grow as big as 「Lucid Dreams」', however, it has the ability to turn its void mass into a low power black hole, sucking in what may be close- but its not strong enough to easily absorb anything unless its touched.
「Oblivion」's arms, legs, torso and neck can stretch, bend and even change shape, although Katsuo can't control this, for 「Oblivion」 decides what's better for its user.
It can get away around 5 m away from its user without losing strength. Starts losing it at 6, and can get as far as 10, however at this limit, it can't do more than scratch, grab and emit noises that may leave the enemy with mild hallucinations.

「Oblivion」's and 「Lucid Dreams」's attitude is mostly that of a stubborn, spoiled cat, which usually does whatever it wants, however, if Katsuo is in danger, it would do anything to protect him and keep any enemy away from him, be it the good way, or the bad way.

About Writer

Transmasc (He/They)
I'm 21, birthday on Aug 6th
Taken ♡
Artist (Commissions open)
Friendly, but shy and awkward at times
Open for chat or plot!

RP Details
Multiship (Each on different timeline, poly relationships are ok too)
Open to about anything, but ask first.
Account might contain sensitive themes on TL such as: non-explicit lewd, gore, violence, mention of drugs, alcohol, and abuse of such. Depressive, dark themes, suicidal/self harm mention.